Business English

Covers professional writing skills for emails and official documents

Plus, professional language skills for project presentations and meetings.

I am working overseas and/or in a foreign company. Why do I need Brighten's English course?

  • We believe professionals should aim for the perfection of English language skills to enhance the quality of their professional skills and communication.

  • Develop effective communication skills and writing skills that are essential to provide accurate information and clear expression in a business environment with Brighten Careers Institute.

How can this course contribute to my career?

The core of business language is to clearly share accurate business information with internal and external stakeholders.

Develop your language skills through the topics that solely focus on your business sector that either you are currently working in or wish to work in instead of the everyday communication skills that you are already proficient at.

Participate in tailored learning for 30 to 60 minutes a day.