Official English Exam Preparation


Prepare for official English exams that are recognised globally, such as IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL & Cambridge, effectively.

How is the English exam preparation course structured?

  • One of the common issues that can be identified from the process of English exam preparation is that learners study learning materials through recorded paid online lectures in one way delivery, which don't provide learners with valuable feedback that leads to improvement of the overall exam result/grade.

  • The course is structured to provide online, live, comprehensive customised training sessions in highly practical exam preparation skills at session times convenient for you. Valuable feedback is given during and after each session.

  • We understand these challenges in preparing for English exams, so offer effective 1 on 1 and small group remote lessons with our trainers to effectively improve your overall exam result/grade.

How will the English exam preparation course help to improve my grade?

You can select and share the language areas you wish to improve on the most in advance with your trainer who will prepare relevant resources and provide appropriate feedback both during and after the lesson is completed.

Through proofreading and the correction process on real time basis, you can understand the areas you need to improve more clearly and expand your vocabulary and grammar to help you to achieve your goals.

After each session ends, you can review what you have learnt for the day at anytime and anywhere using your personalised lesson material.

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